クリスティーン・フリント・サト ウェビナー「Sumi Ink and Me!」のお知らせ Christine Flint Sato Webinar 'Sumi Ink and Me!'

English guide follows Japanese →click here
■ 概要 ■

■ 詳細 ■
タイトル:「Sumi Ink and Me!」

開催日時:いずれも日本時間 申込みを締め切りました
A: 2023年1月28日(土) 20:00~21:30 英語
B: 2023年2月4日(土) 20:00~21:30 日本語

参加者定員: 各回 先着80名

参 加 料
・J-LAF フレンズ会員: 1,800円 (2022年12月19日現在会員の方に限ります)
・J-LAF サポーティング会員: 無料ご招待
・一般: 2,500円

● 国内のお支払い:銀行振込
● 海外からのお支払い:PayPal



※ 期日までに参加料の入金が確認できない場合には、参加できません。

1時間経過しても自動返信メールが届かない場合は、お手数ですが、webinar◎j-laf.orgまでご連絡をお願いいたします。(◎ を @ に変換してください。)


Christine Flint Sato

墨アーティスト、 英国人 奈良在住。故・川邊精華師に書を学ぶ。中国の芸術家 李庚師に中国水墨画を学ぶ。 日本・英国で個展を開き、多くのグループ展に参加し、数々の賞を受ける。さらに墨ワークショップを英国で開くとともに、月に一度大阪でも開いている。制作の傍ら墨芸術を研究し、記事を書く。日本書道の線、余白を分析した本 「Japanese Calligraphy: The Art of Line and Space」を 1999年、墨芸術を新しい角度から紹介したワークブック「Sumi Workbook」を2014年に海風社より出版。


Christine Flint Sato Webinar Information

■ Webinar Title: 'Sumi Ink and Me!'

■ Outline
Christine Flint Sato is a sumi ink artist living and working in Nara, Japan, who is active not only in Japan but also in the UK. Her works are based on a deep study of sumi ink, including its manufacturing process, and how the combination of washi paper and brush affects her works. She has also published a book on the beauty of Japanese calligraphy, as well as a book that explains the appeal and use of sumi ink in a way that is easy to understand for people overseas. Her work has been highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad.
In this webinar, Christine will introduce her works and discuss why she was attracted to sumi ink and its characteristics. This talk is a must-see not only for those interested in the art of sumi ink, but also for artists who use it, as she will discuss her collaborations with many artists, including Western calligraphers, and her experiments and installations that explore the medium itself.

■ Schedule: Registration closed
A: Saturday, 28 January 2023 20:00 – 21:30 (Japan Time) English only
B: Saturday, 4 February 2023 20:00 – 21:30 (Japan Time) Japanese only

※ The content of two seminars is the same. Please choose either A or B.

Even if you are unable to join on the day of the webinar, you will be able to watch the recording later for a limited time only if you have signed up.
Those who register will receive an email with a link to the recording within a week of the event.

■ Capacity: 80 for each seminar

■ Registration Fee
J-LAF friends Members: 1,800 JPY (Must be a member as of 19 December 2022)
J-LAF supporting Member: Free invitation
Others: 2,500 JPY

■ Payment Method: In Japan – Bank Transfer / International - PayPal

■ Apply
Enter and submit the application form below

■ Procedures after submitting your application:
* You will receive a confirmation email with information on payment.
* After confirming your payment, we will send you an email with information on accessing the seminar by the day before the scheduled seminar.
* If we are unable to confirm your payment by the due date, you will not be able to join the seminar. Your understanding is appreciated.

If you do not receive an automatic reply after one hour, please contact us at webinar@j-laf.org
Please make sure you include your name, date and email address when you contact us.

Contact information (for inquiries)

<Tutor’s Biography>
Christine Flint Sato

Christine Flint Sato is a British sumi ink artist based in Nara, Japan. She studied calligraphy under Seika Kawabe (Mainichi Calligraphy Organisation) and ink painting under Chinese ink painter Li Geng. She exhibits regularly in Japan and the UK and has won prizes for her artwork. She runs sumi ink workshops in both countries. She also researches and writes about the sumi ink arts. In 1999 her book ‘Japanese Calligraphy: The Art of Line and Space’ was published and in 2014 ‘Sumi Workbook’
Website: https://cflintsato.com/