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清水裕子ドローイング ワークショップ一般申込みスタート


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2019年7月9日(月)  24:00まで
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ゴードン恵美「レターカッティング入門ワークショップ」2019 詳細・申込み要項のご案内


レターカッティング WS 概要

  石に手彫りで字を彫るレターカッティング "Letter Cutting"(またはレターカービング "Letter Carving"と呼ばれる)は現在も英国国内だけではなく、ヨーロッパの国々で続けられている伝統工芸です。この入門コースではヴィーカット"V-Cut"と呼ばれる彫り方で文字を彫ることを学びます。このヴィーカットは、ローマ帝国時代に既にその手法が確立され、当時の碑石に使われていたローマンキャピタルの文字のほとんどはこの彫り方で彫られています。

イギリスではエドワード・ジョンストン(1872 - 1944)の教え子だったエリック・ギル(1882 - 1940)が、そのローマ時代の伝統的手法を彼の石碑の作品に多用し、彼のワークショップ(工房)で培われたレターカッティングの精神、技術、そして教法は、彼の弟子達を通じて今なお多くの職人の中に息づいています。この入門コースはそのギルの弟子であったデービッド・キンダスリー(1915 - 1995)の教法で主に進められます。石の彫り方だけでなく、道具や石の取り扱い方などにも重点を置く予定です。

また、コース内では文字のレターフォーム、デザイン等を参加者同士で検討し合うクリティーク(Critique) と呼ばれるローハンプトン大学で採用されていた教法を導入し、生徒それぞれの作品をさまざまな側面から向上を目指すとともに、作品作りにおける生徒の自発性を伸ばしていきます。

レターカッティング 初参加コース
レターカッティング 経験者コース

ゴードン恵美「レターカッティング・ワークショップ」2019 日程・会場


<受講料> 初参加:32,000円(石代1枚分込み)/経験者:30,000円

<東京会場> 定員15名(初参加者・経験者合計)

<神戸会場> 定員15名(初参加者・経験者合計)


<東京会場> 定員25名

<神戸会場> 定員25名



申込み開始日に「N E W S」ページに申込みフォームが掲載されます。



1:送信日時 2:お名前 3:メールアドレス



優先受付:2019年6月17日(月) 22:00受付開始









"A Pure White Monument Erected on a Seto Inland Sea Island" by Hiroko Shimizu -Part 2

A Wonderful Workspace - October 26, 2016

On October 26, I headed to Maejima with the stone that was loaded in my car three days ago in Sekigahara. Henceforth, my mother and I would spend a little over two months making two trips a month to Maejima.

Installing the base stone. Mr. Yoshimi Motohama, with much experience in civil
engineering and construction, is maneuvering the backhoe.

Upon my arrival in Maejima Camp, I was greeted with quite a surprising sight of a backhoe lifting up a large block of granite about to be loaded onto the back of a pickup truck. In Maejima, there is an abandoned quarry, stones from which were used on the wall of Osaka Castle. There are quite splendid pieces of granite on the grounds of the camp as well, so I had requested to use one of them. Mr. Motohama had selected one that would be appropriate for the base stone of the memorial. So on that sunny autumn day, I got to watch the base stone being set up on the ground.

Then it was time to carry the marble to the second floor of the cafeteria building, where I would be working. Maejima Camp's large cafeteria was to become my workspace. The stone on a wheeled platform was brought safely to the second floor using a dumbwaiter. A breathtaking view of the islands and the Seto Inland Sea unfolded before me from the balcony of the cafeteria. I was to begin working in front of this ever-changing scenery.

Left to Right
  Cafeteria overlooking the ocean
  The stone was set at the corner of the cafeteria, closest to the Hill of Prayers. With Mr.
  Tracing of the front side is complete

After tracing the front design onto the stone, I started working on the cross design. The stone was laid flat, which was fine until I finished carving the cross. However, I was anxious about the process that would follow. In order to v-cut letters on a stone, the stone is normally set up on an easel, but obviously I was not going to be able to work on the easel that I usually use. Thinking that it would somehow work out, I had postponed addressing the issue. That day, an islander who had heard of the memorial, offered to make a stable platform that would serve as an easel.

For the cross design, my plan was to carve the surrounding area of the cross a few millimeters deep, and then cut radially. It took me two and a half days to carve the area surrounding the cross and four more days to finish the v-cut radially. The streaming light from the window made the stone sparkle so beautifully that my heart was filled with excitement every moment despite the physical fatigue.

Carving into the area around the cross design

Light rays were drawn and v-cut

A sturdy specially-made easel for the stone. A wooden block and vise were used to secure
the easel and prevent it falling forward due to the weight of the stone. Here, a dummy is
set up on the easel. The stone is still on a table.

During the consecutive holidays in November, the stone was just about ready to be placed on the easel. A group of graduates of Keimei Gakuin was visiting Maejima Camp. They lent us their hand in moving the piece onto the easel. So many people were involved from the day that the President of the school kindly agreed to its erection to the day of the completion of the memorial.

My days started with my arrival at my workspace at 8:30 am, going home for a lunch break, and working again until around 5:30pm. Maejima Camp is located on a hill, and as I mentioned earlier, I worked on the second floor of a building, right beside the Hill of Prayers. It is hard to express in words the contentment I felt seeing the view from the balcony whenever I stood there almost once every hour for a break. I think it was not just due to the scenery that unfolded before my eyes, but also everything there, such as the pouring sunlight or the breeze. The joy I felt standing on that balcony whilst I worked on the memorial was almost magical.

Views from the balcony

Onto letter cutting

Normally, a letter cutter will begin carving letters from bottom left. For this memorial, that was the small-sized capital M of "MATTHEW". Engraving small-sized letters has its share of difficulties, but compared with the lines on the cross, the amount of carving needed was much smaller. I was ready to begin the body text soon after, and the initial letter was the letter W on the bottom left. Another problem arose as soon as I started carving, and that was the light. While the stone was laid flat, I had enough sunlight and I could also place a lamp where it did not get in my way. However, the situation changed once I started working on the easel. The wall that supported the easel stood in front of me, so I needed a lamp even during the day. I had to look for something that I could clip the light onto at the right height and place so that it did not stand in the way of my arm moving in all directions while I worked. Then, the lamp that I had did not provide enough light in late afternoons so I needed something extra. I started to look around, and there it was―a floodlight hooked to the railing of the balcony. It not only provided more light, but it was warm, which was convenient as winter was approaching.

A process of trial and error was necessary with lighting, but I also needed to adjust my own
height according to the position of the letter. Other than standing or sitting, I also needed
to kneel down on a flatbed or chair. Protective footwear was a must and sometimes a set of

I just remembered another episode about lighting. For my convenience while hand carving, I always had the light falling from the upper-left direction. I suddenly realized that I would not be seeing the stone like I was seeing then after the memorial was installed because I was seeing the shadow with the light source from the left side while I carved. The memorial was to be erected on the Hill of Prayers so that the shadows on the letters would be created by midafternoon sunlight falling from the right side. It was somewhat dramatic to think that I was getting to see something that was only possible for a limited time, but I also realized that I needed to check how the stone will look with the light source from the right-hand side.

I started engraving the letter W of the body text, and immediately it was like being punched in the face. I thought to myself, "It sure does take a lot of time to engrave just one big letter, and W is like carving two V's!" However, tackling a difficult letter in the beginning seemed to make the following task a bit easier. Three letters were the most that I could cut in a day, but seeing a steady progress gave me a sense of accomplishment each day. It took eight days to finish the body text, and it was completed on December 4. I always feel that it is difficult to know when to stop with letter cutting. The memorial was no exception, and I realized once again, giving up in a good way (knowing when to let go) is important.

A rubbing is made after most of the inscription is done to check and work on the details.
Three rubbings were made to make adjustments for the main text.

Connected to the Outside World Via SNS

As we were approaching winter solstice, it was pitch dark around the time I finished a day's work. In a considerably large space, the space with the stone seemed to glow, and just about the only sound to be heard was the occasional mooing of cows in the distance. Posting pictures and explanation in both Japanese and English (although on some days I was too tired to add an English translation) about my daily progress on social networking sites became my routine. It was encouraging to find that many people in Japan and overseas were checking and commenting on them. I once received a question from abroad, "Are you a Christian?" I am not. This religious concept may be difficult for non-Japanese people to understand, but although I grew up in a Buddhist home, my grandparents were Christians and we would go to church on Sundays and sing hymns at home. I chose this Scripture mainly because Keimei Gakuin offers education based on Christian principles and the verse expressed the school's spirit. However, the words also mirrored my father's way of life. I posted a pretty simple reply, but I remember feeling relieved when I saw that my reply was "liked".

The front is finished. Onto the reverse side.

The Day the Memorial Got to Bathe in the Sunlight - January 3, 2016

I was in Maejima to work on the final stages of letter cutting on December 27. The President and other relevant people of Keimei Gakuin were visiting the camp that day. While they walked around the camp ground, they were also going to see the progress of the memorial, and there was one problem with this. I had already finished the front side so the reverse side was facing front. I felt that it was a shame that they were going to see only the small letters on the back side. I decided to make a booklet with pictures that I had been taking. It was a simply-made booklet showing in a chronological order the first stages up to the completion of the main inscription, and titled Toward the Light, comparing the engraved text itself to myself facing the stone with the light falling on it while I worked. This booklet is now in the library of Keimei Gakuin.

I had aimed to finish before the end of the year, but it was actually January 2, after New Year's holidays, when the memorial was completed. I had spent 25 days in the workplace, and worked for about 150 hours. The day after the letter cutting was done, the stone was removed from the easel, where it had stayed unexposed to natural light, to a platform with wheels and placed by the window. I felt the true value of letter cutting when I finally saw how the sunlight created sharp definition of light and shadow on the inscription.

First two photos show the stone lit from different directions (right and left). Shadow effects
from light falling from different directions were thoroughly enjoyable.

I was thankful for President Ozaki's suggestion that we have an unveiling ceremony for our donation of the memorial to the school. The school holds a "Keimei Gakuin Maejima Camp Appreciation Day" each year and invites residents of Ushimado and Maejima to the facility. The event would be on March 26, 2016, and the memorial was to be unveiled then. The climax of the remaining process was the installation of the memorial.

Installation Process - February 2, 2016

The memorial was set up on the base stone on this chilly day. I was most interested to see how this was going to be done. The base was already cut in a size appropriate for the memorial with two metal rods fixed in place. Mr. Motohama was in charge of all the preparation, planning, and supervision of the installation.

Left to Right
  The memorial being carried out of the cafeteria with the help of Mr. Masahiro Onozuka, a
  strong man of Maejima who was also the one who made the easel, and Mr. Makoto
  Kuboki, who along with Mr. Ikushima was a great support from the beginning.
  Mr. Motohama making necessary arrangements of the installation.
  Two holes were drilled into the memorial also.

First, the installation was simulated. After trials of lifting it using a piece of lumber and a forklift, it was decided that two strong men would carry the memorial using a crowbar and gradually set the stone down until the holes in it fit the metal rods on the base stone.

Simulation of installing the memorial

Onto the actual installation. An adhesive was applied to both the base stone and the memorial, and the memorial was set on the rods. Then, before the adhesive dried completely, a level guide was used to check the position and a wooden frame to deftly install the monument. Before we had any time to admire it, a blue tarp covered the memorial. Since the stone was still unprotected, it needed to be protected against rain or salt breeze until the adhesive dried completely and the memorial and base stone glued together. This all happened on a cold day with flurry of snow.

Working on installation

I visited Maejima on February 16, around the time that seemed relatively warm and we would be having sunny days. The stone needed to be washed as the carved letters still had stone dust inside of them. A toothbrush was used to remove the dust. Then after letting the stone dry for a few days, a coating agent was applied. Marble is vulnerable to acids, and we were also worried about freezing damage during winter. It seems that applying coating agents is uncommon in the West, but the location by the sea and the fact that Japan gets a lot of rain were taken into consideration.

Two days after washing the stone, a coating agent was applied by Mr. Ikushima, who used
to be the president of a paint company.

Unveiling Ceremony - March 26, 2016

The cherry blossoms were beginning to bloom on the day of "Keimei Gakuin Maejima Camp Appreciation Day". The unveiling ceremony of the memorial took place from 5 o'clock in the afternoon before dinner. There was an opening prayer and sermon by the school's chaplain, and then the unveiling ceremony began attended by the mayor of Setouchi City. The school also presented us with letters of appreciation. This was just one year after my father passed away, and just six months after I approached Keimei Gakuin about donating a memorial. So many people were so kind to lend their helping hands. There were developments that were accidental or coincidental, all of which seemed like they were led by an invisible power.

The worship service began with the memorial covered in cloth. We were blessed with nice
weather. Mr. Motohama, my mother and I received letters of appreciation from President
Ozaki after the ceremony.

So this is how the memorial became a part of the landscape of the Hill of Prayers. My father must have been watching us from above with his shy smile, with hopes that many people will visit the memorial and that it will warmly watch over them in return.

Last but not least, President Ozaki kindly suggested that we add a plate that briefly explains what the memorial is about and what kind of a person my father was. I gathered my courage and thoughts to come up with a short passage. I would like to close this story with a photograph of the plate.

The explanation on the plate reads:
  This memorial was erected on the 92nd anniversary of the founding of Keimei Gakuin as
  a donation from the family of Shiro Nakanishi (April 20, 1928 - March 13, 2015) to
  commemorate his life. Shiro Nakanishi lived in Maejima for 24 years and truly loved this
  island. His home was always open to friends. His children and grandchildren learned
  firsthand the value of friendship and the spirit of service. He lived out his life in gratitude.
  The memorial stands here on the Hill of Prayers in loving memory of him.

  October 18, 2015 Calligraphy and letter cutting by Hiroko Shimizu (Shiro Nakanishi's
  second daughter)

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Keimei Gakuin, everyone in Ushimado and Maejima, and anyone who provided me with support.


Hiroko Shimizu is a calligrapher and letter cutter living in Ashiya of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. She started calligraphy in 1994 while living in Boston. She began learning to carve on stone from Emi Gordon in 2009, and has been her assistant in teaching letter-cutting workshops for beginners since 2017. She applies her knowledge and experience as a calligrapher onto a stone. She helped Minako Sando in writing and publishing Calligraphy Book (Seibundo Shinkosha 2011), and in the enlarged and revised version (2017), she is the author of a chapter on "Drawing Letters". Her work has been featured in Letter Arts Review (John Neal Bookseller) and exhibited internationally. She runs Studio Letter Arts in Ashiya, and is a deputy executive director of Japan Letter Arts Forum. Her website: https://studio-letterarts.com


Translation: Noriko Asakura


"A Pure White Monument Erected on a Seto Inland Sea Island" by Hiroko Shimizu -Part 1

At the end of March 2016, an unveiling ceremony of a memorial monument erected on a small island of the Seto Inland Sea took place. Roman letters were handwritten and hand-carved on the stone. This may have been the first time in Japan that anyone had undertaken both of these tasks. This two-part article is about a monument, which came about from my personal wish, was realized by the support of many people, and finally put up as a public monument. I hope you will enjoy reading through both parts of the article.

The Beginning - March 2015

Letter cutting of Roman letters was introduced to Japan in October 2009. J-LAF invited Emi Gordon, a letter cutter living in England, to be the instructor for a series of workshops. I was a student from the very first one, and from then on, I applied myself to letter cutting using all my knowledge and technique acquired from many years of being a calligrapher. In the course of drawing letters, carving, and introducing my work, I began to dream vaguely of one day creating a monument.

Meanwhile, my father who had been battling an illness passed away in March 2015. After his retirement, he had built a home in Maejima, one of the small islands off of the coast of Ushimado district (Setouchi City, Okayama Prefecture). He lived there with my mother and gave his daughters and grandchildren wonderful opportunities to interact with nature. On the very day of his funeral, my vague dream became vivid, and I had a clear goal that I would build a memorial to honor his life. Without any plan of where this would be or any other details, my heart knew then that I would begin the process in October and finish before the year ended. With such a blueprint in hand and standing between my imagination and the possibility of making it come true, the next few months were spent asking myself questions and searching for answers

Left to Right
   ALOHA, my first letter-cutting work (photographed in Maejima in 2010)
   Letter-cutting tools
 Letter cutting in Maejima in 2015

Time for Everything - Summer 2015

We kept the house in Maejima after my father passed away, but my mother lived with my youngest sister in Kobe, which is close to where I live. My mother and I began making trips to Maejima once or twice a month. J-LAF was planning to a hold letter-cutting exhibition in Osaka and Tokyo in the fall that year, so my visits to Maejima became valuable opportunities to work on my letter cutting and also to try to find a way to realize my goal.

The island where my parents lived for 24 years and where my father held dear to his heart, is located right in front of Ushimado Port. Famous for its beautiful sunsets, its scenery has been used in several commercials or television dramas in recent years. With a population of just under 150, many people make a living as farmers. On holidays and during high seasons, visitors flock to the island to enjoy activities on the beach or to go fishing, and they stay at guesthouses or B&B's. The answer to the question I had been asking myself as to the location of the monument was of course Maejima, and as for the rest of the answers, my search continued as the faint memories of my parents' everyday life on the island kept coming back to me. I knew from my past experience of creating something that I would eventually and inevitably reach the best answer possible, so I felt fortunate that I had time to ponder.

Landscapes of Maejima

Summer came, and it was then that I remembered something important. Looking back, I don't know why it didn't come to my mind much sooner.

Incorporated School of Keimei Gakuin owns Maejima Camp on the island. Keimei Gakuin is a Christian coeducational junior-high and highschool in Kobe, and every spring and summer, the students enjoy the rich natural environment of Maejima engaging in outdoor activities that are not available in classrooms in the city. It was in August 2014 when my father was still living on the island while fighting his illness. I was staying at my parents' home hoping to be a help with his battle. I was also hoping to carve stones and take a photograph of one my works to use on a postcard announcement of an exhibition I was planning with a friend in the fall. I asked my father if he knew a place that would make an ideal background. He proudly replied, "There's an absolutely beautiful location-a place I love." He took me to this place, which had a glorious view overlooking the ocean. This was an outdoor chapel called the "Hill of Prayers" located inside Maejima Camp. I suddenly remembered this in the summer of 2015. What I had taken a picture of there was a stone shaped like one of the Setouchi islands on which I had carved the word "remembrance". The moment I remembered this, I was so surprised to realize the coincidence that the word that I had chosen to carve on the stone back then had been an English word meaning "memory or something that serves to bring to mind". I finally came to the conclusion that there is no other location ideal for the memorial than the Hill of Prayers in Maejima Camp, and I am sure that my father was by my side having a laugh and whispering, "It's about time!"

Left to Right
   The front gate of Keimei Gakuin Maejima Camp
   The Hill of Prayers
   Remembrance (photographed at the Hill of Prayers on August 26, 2014)

As if a barrier preventing the flow had been removed, I suddenly began to also remember how my parents were connected with Keimei Gakuin and relevant people. I could not help but think that there is a "right time" for everything, and this was when everything started to move forward.

Huge Progress - September 24, 2015

The image of the Hill of Prayers and the presence of Keimei Gakuin led my smooth preparation for presenting the idea, and on September 24, I was in Maejima with a rough sketch and project proposal for the memorial. I met with Mr. Yoshihiro Ikushima, who manages Maejima Camp, to ask him about donating a monument. Mr. Ikushima made a call to the then-President of Keimei Gauin, Mr. Hachiro Ozaki, on the spot, and I was able to meet him the next day.

With a huge smile, Mr. Ozaki readily agreed to my proposal for a pure-white marble with an inscription "You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14). I had not made a concrete request as to the place where I wanted the memorial to be installed, but I was thankful when he suggested a few days later, "How about the Hill of Prayers?"

Off to Sekigahara - October 1, 2015

Now it was time for the important arrangement for actual letter cutting. Until then, I had been carving on a stone of a size that I could easily carry around. I had no knowledge based on my own experience about deciding on a shape, size, weight for a much larger memorial. From looking through books on letter cutting and available images on the internet, I decided on a shape and an idea of the weight as "something that a few men can carry", and drew up a rough image. On October 1, I visited a stone company in Sekigahara (Gifu Prefecture). It is two hours away by car, and by no means a neighbor. I came to know about this company during my visit to Mount Ibuki, which I decided to visit after hearing that it was all made up of limestone. On my visit, I happened to see a sign that said "Sekigahara Marblecraft" and decided to go in. From then on, I had several contacts with the company through purchases or asking for advice about stones. From my experience of letter cutting on several types of white marbles, I selected a pure white marble from Macedonia called Sivec for the memorial. I asked the person in charge for an advice on the thickness of the stone, which inevitably was related to its weight. He immediately calculated the weight of the marble in the thickness that I hoped for, and I was relieved to find out that it would be a little under 80kg, a weight that a few men could carry. I was able to order the marble in the size that I had imagined.

Partial document indicating the size of the memorial stone and a map indicating the
location of Keimei Gakuin Maejima Camp

Last Piece of the Puzzle - October 13, 2015

Until the time that the stone would be ready to be engraved, I made an actual-size dummy of the memorial in styrofoam, and took it to Maejima Camp on October 13 to decide on the actual site and the approximate height of the base stone. I also took my "remembrance" stone to check how the shade would look to consider which direction the front of the monument should face. Few days after I returned from Maejima, I replaced the printed letters that I had stuck on the dummy with letters handwritten with an edged brush, and visited the president of Keimei Gakuin in Kobe. The date just happened to coincide with the worship service for the 92nd anniversary of the founding of the institution. My mother and I went to the service held in a large gymnasium, and the President introduced us to the students, parents, and faculty, and told them about our donation of the memorial. On the very same day, he also suggested that the date to be inscribed on the back of the memorial to be the 92nd anniversary date of the school's establishment. While I started this project to commemorate my father's life, I had wondered on what grounds I should choose the date to carve on the stone. President Ozaki had placed the last piece of the puzzle.

Left to Right
 Using a dummy to consider the location and height of the memorial with Mr. Ikushima.
 After this picture was taken, trees in the background were thinned.
 Dummy with letters written with an edged brush
 Drawing made from brushed lettering
 Inscription on the back. At this point, the date is tentative. The final placement was raised quite
   a bit, and Hiroko  Shimizu's mark removed.

The final preparation was proceeding steadily with the final drawings made from the edged-brush lettering for the front inscription and the back inscription with the donors and date. On October 23, three weeks after placing my order, I headed for Sekigahara to pick up the stone. As I watched the employees of the stone company carefully tie, wrap and secure it in my car, I was feeling elated that I was finally taking the next step.

At Sekigahara Marblecraft


Hiroko Shimizu is a calligrapher and letter cutter living in Ashiya of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. She started calligraphy in 1994 while living in Boston. She began learning to carve on stone from Emi Gordon in 2009, and has been her assistant in teaching letter-cutting workshops for beginners since 2017. She applies her knowledge and experience as a calligrapher onto a stone. She helped Minako Sando in writing and publishing Calligraphy Book (Seibundo Shinkosha 2011), and in the enlarged and revised version (2017), she is the author of a chapter on "Drawing Letters". Her work has been featured in Letter Arts Review (John Neal Bookseller) and exhibited internationally. She runs Studio Letter Arts in Ashiya, and is a deputy executive director of Japan Letter Arts Forum. Her website: https://studio-letterarts.com


Translation: Noriko Asakura


マニー・リン カリグラフィー ワークショップの最終受付について


申込受付最終期日: 2019年3月22日(金)

異文化の融合によるカリグラフィーの表現(定員16名) 空席 1
(4月19日(金)~21日(日) タワーホール船堀 307会議室)
緩急に富んだイタリック体<書体の習得から作品のデザインまで>(定員18名) 満席
(4月23日(火)~24日(水) 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター カルチャー棟 美術室)
スライドレクチャー(定員35名)空席 10
(4月20日(土) タワーホール船堀 307会議室)

フォールデットペンを使った表現(定員18名)  空席 2
(4月13日(土)・14日(日)  enoco大阪府立江之子島文化芸術ンター Room 8)
LINZ'sバリエーション&緩急に富んだイタリック体<2書体習得クラス>(定員18名) 満席
(4月15日(月)・16日(火) エル・おおさか(大阪府立労働センター)研修室1)
スライドレクチャー(定員30名) 空席 7
(4月13日(土)  enoco大阪府立江之子島文化芸術ンター Room 8)








1995年にカリグラフィーを東京で習い始める。翌年、トーマス・イングマイヤー氏のワークショップを受講し海外でカリグラフィーを学ぶ事を決意。2年の準備期間を経て、97年に渡英、98年にUniversity of Surrey Roehampton のカリグラフィー・ディグリー(学位)コースに入学。2001年に卒業後、2002年にケンブリッジにあるレターカッティング工房であるカードーゾ・キンダスリー・ワークショップ(Cardozo Kindersley Workshop)に入門。2006年に長女出産のため退職するまでの4年半勤務。現在は独立し、主にレターカッティングの仕事を続ける。2002年から2004年までSSIのAdvanced Training Schemeに参加。Sue HuftonやTom Perkinsなど多数のカリグラファー、レターカッターのワークショップやレクチャーに参加。2011年よりCambridge Open Studiosで作品を展示。The Lettering Arts Trust 主催の作品展 には過去2年連続参加。2019年3月15日から5月26日に開催されるThe Lost Words - forget me not (The Lettering Arts Trust主催) の作品展にも参加。日本でのレターカッティング・ワークショップは今年で7回目の開催となる。

Cambridge Open Studio https://www.camopenstudios.co.uk/
Memorials by Artists http://www.memorialsbyartists.co.uk/home/

マニー・リン カリグラフィー ワークショップ受付状況

マニー・リン カリグラフィー ワークショップの受付状況についてご報告いたします。


異文化の融合によるカリグラフィーの表現(定員16名) 空席 3
緩急に富んだイタリック体<書体の習得から作品のデザインまで>(定員18名) 満席
スライドレクチャー(定員35名)  空席 11

フォールデットペンを使った表現(定員18名)  空席 2
LINZ'sバリエーション&緩急に富んだイタリック体<2書体習得クラス>(定員18名) 満席
スライドレクチャー(定員30名) 空席 9



ワークショップ担当: 久賀 真弓




素晴らしい作業場で 2015年10月26日





左から 海を見渡す食堂。






















石碑が陽を浴びた日 2016年1月3日





石の設置作業 2016年2月2日

左から 食堂から運び出される石碑。前島の屈強な男性、石を彫るイーゼルも作って下さった小野塚昌博さんと、石碑作り全般を通して生島さんと共にサポートしてくださった久保木誠さんのお力を借りて。










除幕式 2016年3月26日







兵庫県芦屋市在住。カリグラファー、レターカッター。ボストンに在住していた1994年にカリグラフィーを始める。2009年からレターカッティングをゴードン恵美に師事。2017年からJ-LAF主催ゴードン恵美レターカッティング入門ワークショップの講師アシスタント。カリグラフィーで培った文字の知識と経験を石にも展開している。三戸美奈子著『カリグラフィー・ブック』(誠文堂新光社、2011年)協力、及び、同著の増補改訂版(2017年)では「文字のドローイング」の章を執筆。レターアーツ専門誌『Letter Arts Review』(John Neal Bookseller)年鑑掲載や海外展覧会招待展示、海外カンファレンス参加など、国内外で活動している。